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Why is Brown Rice More Recommended for Breast Cancer Fighters than White Rice?

Why is Brown Rice More Recommended for Breast Cancer Fighters than White Rice? It is known as an alternative for those on a diet because brown rice is better for those who want to lose weight. So is it true that brown rice is healthier than white rice?

Brown rice comes from brown rice which is a whole grain, unlike white rice which comes from rice. The results of the study finds report that a cup of brown rice has approximately 1 gram of fiber, while a cup of white rice has no fiber at all. However, both are still enough to meet the daily needs because the need for fiber per day is 25 grams.

Although it meets the daily fiber needs, brown rice is still better because it has more magnesium, iron, selenium and zinc, besides that brown rice is digested more slowly in the digestive system so it does not cause a sharp spike in blood sugar like white rice or commonly called brown rice has a lower glycemic index compared to white rice.

Then why is brown rice better for breast cancer fighters? By having high fiber, brown rice can help maintain digestive health and provide a longer feeling of fullness for weight control which is very important for breast cancer management.

The lower Glycemic Index also helps to keep blood sugar levels stable, as one of the staples of cancer cells is excess and accumulated sugar, so reducing the low glycemic index of brown rice will reduce this.

Brown rice is also rich in antioxidants, which can help protect normal cells from damage and inflammation, thus slowing the spread of cancer cells.

Having an influence on insulin levels is a plus point for brown rice because high fiber and low glycemic index can help insulin levels remain stable because insulin can affect the growth of cancer cells.

But it needs to be supported with other nutritional intake even though brown rice can be more beneficial by consulting a doctor or nutritionist to get advice according to the condition that is being complained of because a balanced diet is very important to support health during breast cancer nursing.

For more info: click here | Language: Bahasa Indonesia

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