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Pengobatan Klinik CMI Hospital - Kanker Jantung Ginjal Diabetes

New Solution: Non-Surgical Breast Cancer Therapy

New Solution: Non-Surgical Breast Cancer Therapy

Breast cancer ranks first in the number of cancer cases as well as being the biggest cause of cancer deaths in the world every year.

The risk factors that are closely related to the increased incidence of breast cancer are female gender, age> 50 years, family and genetic history, history of breast disease, history of menstruation / early menarche (55 years), reproductive history (childless and not breastfeeding), hormonal, obesity, alcohol consumption, history of chest wall radiation, and environmental factors.

According to WHO (2020) the prevalence of breast cancer is 2,261,419 cases where this cancer is mostly suffered by women.

There is an 88% higher incidence rate in developing countries than in developed countries (55.9 and 29.7 per 100,000, respectively) and has a mortality rate of 17%.

The incidence of the disease is expected to increase worldwide.

Meanwhile, according to GLOBOCAN data in 2020, it is known that breast cancer is a cancer disease with the highest percentage of new cases, which is 11%, and the percentage of deaths from breast cancer is 6.9%.

In Indonesia, breast cancer is the second highest incidence cancer after cervical cancer and there is a tendency to increase from year to year.

Most breast malignancies come at an advanced stage.

The number of breast cancer in Indonesia is found to be approximately 65,858 new cases every year (273,523,621 population).

Based on the 2018 Riskesdas data, in Indonesia the prevalence of cancer is 1,017,290 cases and for the South Sulawesi region there are 33,693 cases.

Non-surgical therapy for breast cancer has become one of the attention-grabbing alternatives as it offers non-invasive treatment with minimal side effects.

CMI Primary Clinic offers a treatment method that combines modern western medical approaches and eastern classical medicine, based on the principles contained in the book “The Canon of Medicine” by Ibn Sina (Avicenna).

The approach at CMI Main Clinic utilizes oral medications specially formulated according to the patient's condition, with the following main benefits:
  1. Boost the immune system to fight cancer cells and maintain the patient's stamina.
  2. Target cancer cells specifically without damaging healthy cells.
  3. Inhibits cancer nutrition, preventing its growth.
  4. Improves the genetic structure of cells, allowing mutated cells to return to normal.
  5. Providing nutrients to damaged cells, so they can recover and function again.

This therapy is performed without surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy, which are usually accompanied by significant side effects. Instead, CMI ensures patient comfort and allows them to continue their normal activities.

This therapy may be an option worth considering for breast cancer patients, especially those seeking a more natural and holistic complementary treatment.

Immediately consult with the CMI medical team if you / your loved ones are diagnosed with breast cancer.

For more info: click here | Language: Bahasa Indonesia

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