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Pengobatan Klinik CMI Hospital - Kanker Jantung Ginjal Diabetes

11 Foods that Help Lower Breast Cancer Risk

11 Foods that Help Lower Breast Cancer Risk While no food can completely prevent breast cancer, eating healthy foods can help lower the risk.

Here are some foods to consider:

  1. Green Leafy Vegetables: Rich in antioxidants such as beta carotene, which can help reduce the risk of cancer
  2. Cruciferous Vegetables: Contain glucosinolates that convert into isothiocyanates, potentially lowering the risk of breast cancer. Examples: broccoli, cauliflower
  3. Onions: Like garlic and onions, contain organosulfur compounds that have anticancer properties
  4. Oranges: Contains vitamin C and antioxidants that are beneficial for health
  5. Berries: Rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins that protect cells from damage
  6. Fatty Fish: Like salmon and sardines, are high in omega-3s which can have a protective effect
  7. Fermented Foods: Yogurt and kimchi contain probiotics that are good for health
  8. Legumes: High in fiber that can help lower the risk of cancer
  9. Spices: Like turmeric, which contains curcumin with anticancer properties
  10. Whole Grains: Rich in fiber and nutrients that support overall health
  11. Walnuts: Contain healthy fats that can help protect the body

  12. Gradually adopting a healthy diet can help prevent your risk of developing breast cancer.

    Try replacing processed foods with more natural options and always remember to stay physically active.

    Staying hydrated with water is also very important.

    For more info: click here | Language: Bahasa Indonesia

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