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Pengobatan Klinik CMI Hospital - Kanker Jantung Ginjal Diabetes

Why Coconut Water is Good for Breast Cancer Fighters

Why coconut water is good for breast cancer fighters According to food and nutrition research studies say that coconut water has the potential anti-effect of tumors against breast cancer and what we know so far coconut water is generally consumed as a drink to refresh the throat that has been associated with various benefits and it turns out that coconut water is also very good in consumption for breast cancer fighters because of the amazing content of this coconut fruit, the following benefits that coconut water has for breast cancer patients:

  1. Good Hydration
  2. Coconut water is great for maintaining hydration which is important for overall health, especially during treatment.

  3. Low in calories and sugar
  4. Having low calories and low sugar makes coconut water safe for consumption without increasing blood sugar levels in the body.

  5. Rich in nutrients
  6. Coconut water contains electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium that will help maintain electrolyte balance in the body.

  7. Antioxidant properties
  8. High in antioxidants, coconut water can help fight free radicals, which contribute to the development of cancer.

  9. Detoxifying
  10. It is widely recognized that coconut water has detoxifying properties, helping the body flush out toxins.

So it is good for cancer fighters to consume coconut water but it must be within normal limits because if excessive is not good.

More information about breast cancer can visit our website at CMIHOSPITAL.COM

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For more info: click here | Language: Bahasa Indonesia

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