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Pengobatan Klinik CMI Hospital - Kanker Jantung Ginjal Diabetes

Types of Breast Cancer Triggering Foods You Should Limit!

Beware! Types of Breast Cancer Triggering Foods You Should Limit! Breast cancer is a serious concern, and diet can have a big impact on your risk of developing the disease.

Here are some foods to avoid to reduce your risk of breast cancer:

  1. Grilled or Roasted Foods: Cooking in this way, especially at high temperatures, can produce carcinogens. Grilled red meat is also a higher risk due to its high saturated fat content.
  2. Canned Foods: Many canned foods contain harmful bisphenol-A (BPA). In addition, these foods often contain sugar, salt and preservatives that can increase the risk of cancer.
  3. Foods with Bad Fats: Trans fats and saturated fats, found in processed foods, high-fat dairy products and coconut milk, can increase the risk of breast cancer development.

To prevent breast cancer, it is also important to maintain an overall healthy lifestyle.

This includes exercising regularly, avoiding smoking and alcohol, and getting adequate rest.

If there are other risk factors, it is best to consult a doctor for more specific preventive measures.

For more info: click here | Language: Bahasa Indonesia

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